The Children’s Campaign Fund Network, composed of the Children’s Campaign Fund Action and the Children’s Campaign Fund PAC, is excited to announce our new mission and vision for the future! Building on more than thirty years of advancing champions in the legislature for children, youth, and families, CCFN has a renewed sense of purpose for the next thirty years and beyond.
We envision a Washington where all lawmakers prioritize the health, well-being, safety, and learning and development of the children, youth, and families of Washington State, especially those who are under-resourced and marginalized.
The Children's Campaign Fund builds non-partisan political power by helping to elect lawmakers who will enact transformational policy change for children, youth, and families.
Children’s Campaign Fund Action builds non-partisan political power through advocacy and education to enact transformational policy change for children, youth, and families.
As one of the longest standing nonpartisan PACs focused on children’s issues in the country now paired with an affiliated advocacy arm, the Children’s Campaign Fund Network is in an exciting and ambitious phase of growth and deeper impact on behalf of children, youth, and families statewide. To fulfill its mission, CCFN seeks to build political power through three core strategies: electioneering, education, and advocacy.
ELECTIONEERING: Our focus is to elect more pro-kids champions who will support our policy priorities. We will do this by making candidate contributions and running voter contact campaigns (doors, phones, paid media ads, etc.) to propel them into office. We will also recruit and train pro-kids candidates to run for open state legislative seats.
EDUCATION: We will educate candidates and their staff on the importance of children's issues early in the campaign trail. Doing this will ensure that they are strong pro-kids champions once they assume office. In time, we will also conduct voter education campaigns that build a statewide pro-kids electorate.
ADVOCACY: We will connect the political capital we amass from our electioneering work to strengthen our advocacy efforts in collaboration with other policy leaders and coalitions. We will establish a membership program to allow individual allies to invest and participate in our advocacy work.
Through these three pillars, we will continue to ensure issues affecting children, youth, and families will be top priorities in Olympia for lawmakers.