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Candidates Who Have Taken the Child Care Pledge

"I commit to supporting Washington families and growing our economy with new child care investments. Care is simply too expensive and too hard to find for many families, many parents are forced to leave the workforce, and child care workers are paid so low they can’t afford to stay in the industry. We can ensure better outcomes for kids and grow our economy by funding accessible, affordable, culturally responsive child care for working- and middle-class families and ensuring living wages, benefits, and high quality training for child care providers."


Miguel Valencia

LD-4, For State Senator

Rep. Bill Ramos

LD-5, For State Senator

Jason Ritchie

LD-5, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Rep. Lisa Callan*

LD-5, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Chelsea Dimas

LD-14, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Linda Gunshefski

LD-16, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Marla Keethler

LD-17, For State Senator

Terri Niles

LD-17, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Deken Letinich

LD-18, For State Rep. Pos. 1


John Zingale

LD-18, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Mike Coverdale

LD-19, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Tela Hogle

LD-22, For State Senator

Rep. Greg Nance*

LD-23, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Nate Tyler

LD-24, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Rep. Steve Tharinger*

LD-24, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Cameron Severns

LD-25, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Shellie Willis

LD-25, For State Rep. Pos. 2

James DeHart

LD-35, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Rep. Mary Fosse*

LD-38, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Alex Ramel

LD-40, For State Rep. Pos. 2


Rep. My-Linh Thai*

LD-41, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Shaun Scott

LD-43, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Andrea Suarez

LD-43, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Melissa Demyan

LD-45, For State Rep. Pos. 2

Rep. Gerry Pollet*

LD-46, For State Rep. Pos. 1

Rep. Vandana Slatter*

LD-48, For State Rep. Pos. 1


Ready to take the pledge?

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