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30 days down, 30 left to go!

That's right: the short legislative session is flying by -- and we're fired up by how many bills are centering kids and families.

Especially ahead of such a crucial election cycle, we're paying close attention to what policies WA's leaders are introducing and supporting -- and, of course, how they're voting.

2021 was a transformative year for children, youth, and families across Washington thanks to game-changing legislative session in the midst of a global pandemic -- and it was a big year for CCF, too!

Check out our new Year in Review video to learn more about where we've been, and where we're going next with your continued partnership.

Ahead of the upcoming short session (Jan. 10-Mar. 10), Children's Campaign Fund has developed our next annual set of legislative priorities.

In 2022, our priority is to maintain and build on the historic policy wins and investments from the last session to eliminate racial disparities and other inequities impacting children, youth, and families. Additionally, we are focused on specific priorities across our six core issue areas.

Our legislative priorities are informed by CCF’s staff, board, and input from coalitions and community members in alignment with our mission, vision, and values.

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