Support Our Work
Donations make up 100% of our budget. Our ability to make an impact is thanks to supporters like you!
Please note: we are comprised of two organizations - Children's Campaign Fund and Children's Campaign Fund Action. CCF is a 527 registered state PAC that builds non-partisan political power by helping to elect lawmakers who will enact transformational policy change for children, youth, and families. CCFA is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization that builds non-partisan political power through advocacy and education to enact transformational policy change for children, youth, and families.
Monthly donors are a crucial part of our ability to sustain our impact as a year-round and ongoing PAC -- while at the same time giving you flexibility in how you support our work. You can become a Friend of the Fund by setting up a monthly donation to CCF or CCFA today!
Sponsor an Event or Year-Round Activities
We are proud to offer a variety of sponsorship levels for our annual events as well as our year-round activities. With meaningful opportunities to recognize your generosity, we hope you'll consider becoming a sponsor.
Funding the Future Legacy Society
With more than 30 years of demonstrated impact, we’re just getting started. CCF's Funding the Future Legacy Society is a powerful way for our most dedicated champions to impact the lives of children and families for generations to come. To learn more and/or complete the intent form, click here.
Host a House Party
We believe the best way to deepen our collective impact is by broadening our network of supporters! One meaningful way to do this is through intimate gatherings where you can invite folks in your network who may be interested in learning more about Children's Campaign Fund. We'll work with you on logistics, and ensure that a few members of CCF's leadership are able to attend and share materials. If you are interested in hosting a house party (including virtual/over Zoom), please contact CCFN's Executive Director, Alex Galeana at
Donate by Mail
If you prefer to donate by mail, click here to print out our contribution form and mail it with your payment:
Children’s Campaign Fund
2226 Eastlake Ave E #1240
Seattle, WA 98102
PDC Compliance
The Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) requires employment information for all CCF PAC donors. Your information will be shared only with the PDC and not with any other organizations or individuals.
How We Raise Funds: CCF's Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers work tirelessly throughout the year to raise funds to elect champions for children and hold them accountable through special events, mailings, peer-to-peer activities, and direct solicitations.
CCF is a registered 527-nonprofit organization/political action committee; our EIN is 91-1494628. Contributions to CCF are not tax deductible.