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Happy Kids with Books

Child Care Poll

MomsRising, One America Votes, and Children's Campaign Fund Action conducted a statewide poll on child care.

The results are clear: voters want lawmakers to prioritize child care.

Happy Children

Candidate Training

Our poll found 70% approve of a new proposal to cap costs for families, create a living wage structure for workers, and fund training for child care providers to improve quality and safety. Further, 62% of voters – including a majority of independents – said they would be more likely to vote for candidates who support this proposal.

To help candidates running for state legislature, we have put together a candidate training that discusses background on the issue, our poll results, key messages that resonate with voters. 

Take the pledge!

Candidates who are willing to take our 2024 Child Care Candidate Pledge and commit to tackling this crisis should they be elected will receive additional pro-child care candidate content for their websites and social media pages.

Social Media Toolkit

This back-to-school season, we’re providing you with content for your campaign social media accounts and asking you to join us in elevating Washington’s child care crisis on Friday, Sept. 13th online.

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