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Winners were elected by CCF's Board of Directors; nominations were based on floor and committee votes, prime and co-sponsorship of CCF's priority bills, proviso and budget leadership, session activity including floor speeches and public comments, and more.

Senate Champion of the Year
Senator Claire Wilson (LD-30)

Senator Claire Wilson, Vice Chair of the Early Learning and K-12 Committee in Washington State, has shown exceptional leadership and dedication to the educational and developmental needs of children and adolescents. Through her legislative efforts, she has sponsored significant bills aimed at enhancing the state's educational system and providing comprehensive support for students.

During the 2023-24 legislative session, Senator Wilson sponsored SB 5908, a bill designed to improve access to and quality of early childhood education programs. This legislation highlights her commitment to establishing a robust foundation for young minds, recognizing the pivotal role early learning plays in long-term success.

Senator Wilson also sponsored SB 6038, which aims to reduce the costs associated with providing child care.  Senator Claire Wilson's sponsorship of SB 6038, which expands the Business and Occupation (B&O) tax exemption for child care services, is expected to have a substantial impact on the accessibility and affordability of child care in Washington State. By extending the tax exemption to include income derived from the care and education of children up to age 12, and children up to age 17 with verified special needs or those under court supervision, the bill reduces the financial burden on child care providers. This financial relief allows providers to allocate more resources toward improving the quality of care and expanding their services. As a result, families will benefit from more affordable child care options, enabling parents to participate more fully in the workforce

In addition to these legislative efforts, Senator Wilson has been a strong advocate for key budget initiatives and co-sponsorships that secure essential funding for educational programs. Her work in the Early Learning and K-12 Committee is characterized by a focus on equity, access, and quality, striving to create an inclusive educational system where all students can thrive.

House Champions of the Year
Rep. Lisa Callan (LD-5)

Representative Lisa Callan has consistently demonstrated her dedication to issues impacting children, youth, and families through her legislative actions. As a committed advocate, she voted in favor of several key bills to expand access to child care, support early learning programs, and enhance student mental and behavioral health services.

In addition to her voting record, Rep. Callan sponsored crucial bills this session, including HB 2256, which focuses on providing additional funding for early learning programs; HB 2052, which addresses critical issues affecting youth; and HB 1479, which emphasizes the development of robust support systems for young people. Her efforts reflect a steadfast commitment to improving the lives of children and adolescents.

Rep. Tana Senn (LD-41)
Representative Tana Senn has consistently demonstrated her commitment to youth at all ages, championing significant investments and policy changes that benefit children, adolescents, and families. She has supported critical legislation, voting yes on several key bills designed to enhance access to child care, support early learning programs, and improve student mental and behavioral health services. Notably, she sponsored impactful bills this session, including HB 2447, which provides vital support for early childhood education; HB 2186, addressing the comprehensive needs of youth; and HB 1916, ensuring funding for the early support for infants and toddlers program.

In addition, Rep. Senn sponsored HB 2256 to increase funding for early learning programs, HB 2052 to address critical issues affecting youth, and HB 1479 to build robust support systems for young people. She has also championed key budget requests and co-sponsored vital funding initiatives, demonstrating her dedication to establishing comprehensive support systems for children, youth, and families.
Through her legislative actions and leadership, Representative Tana Senn has built a proven track record of effective policy-making, innovative leadership, and significant impact on the lives of kids and families throughout the state. Her unwavering advocacy reflects a deep commitment to supporting youth from early childhood through adulthood, ensuring they have the tools and opportunities for success. 
Rising Star of the Year
Rep. Greg Nance (LD-23)

Representative Greg Nance has made a remarkable impact in his inaugural term, earning him the Freshman Legislator of the Year Award. His commitment to advancing legislation that benefits children, youth, and families is evident through his willingness to listen, desire to learn, and record of advocacy.

Rep. Nance sponsored HB 2111, a significant bill that clarifies requirements for subsidized child care. This legislation is crucial in ensuring that more families can access affordable and high-quality child care services. By streamlining the child care subsidy process, HB 2111 aims to make it more efficient and accessible for eligible families, supporting the needs of kids.

Rep. Nance’s legislative actions in his first term have already made a substantial impact, even as a first-term legislator. His dedication to creating a supportive and equitable environment for all children, youth, and families showcases his commitment to fostering a strong foundation for early childhood education. Through his efforts, Rep. Nance has demonstrated an exceptional ability to address the needs of his community, making him a deserving recipient of the Freshman Legislator of the Year Award. We cannot wait to work with him for years to come in Olympia. 

 Evergreen Advocates for Kids & Families
Rep. Vandana Slatter (LD-48)
Sen. T'wina Nobles (LD-28)
Rep. Lillian Ortiz Self (LD-21)
Sen. Manka Dhingra (LD-45)

We'll hold space to honor CCF's past champions for their profound previous and ongoing commitment to kids and families, including:

Thank you to ALL the champions who made this a victorious session for children, youth, and families across Washington!

Copyright © 2024 Children's Campaign Fund           (206) 607-2569         PO Box 19777, Seattle, WA 98109

Paid for by the Children's Campaign Fund Political Action Committee ( and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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